Friday, January 23, 2009

The gym

So, I am still going to the gym after work - every day except Wednesday, when I went to hear Paul Gross instead (which was very good for the eyes and the soul!). Yoga class happens tomorrow again - I hope I won't be as stiff and sore this time. I meet with the trainer on Sunday so we'll see how I do this week.

I've upped my speed and intensity on the treadmill every day that I have gone this week; then I totter home on foot (abiout fifteen minutes) rather than cross the street and wait for a bus. I can honestly say it's enjoyable. I take a different exit out of the subway - one that doesn't lead to the feeder bus, and is close to the gym. I was much later leaving work yesterday than I had intended, so my resolve was very weak as I came off the train. But my feet automatically turned to the other exit rather than the bus stop exit so I figured they were telling me they wanted to get on the treadmill.

Of course I want immediate indications of better fitness etc but it doesn't work like that, so for now I am concentrating on the fact that I do feel better afterwards.

Now I want an iPod so that I can enjoy music instead of having to watch close captioned CNN as I stride away on the treadmill.

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